The coronavirus pandemic is a nightmare for nursing homes, their staffs, residents, and their families. As Forbes reported on April 6, 2020, the situation is likely similar for Assisted Living Facilities (ALFs) and other residential care for older adults. As of March 30, more than 400 of 15,000 US nursing facilities had an outbreak of coronavirus—among residents, staff or both— according the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
COVID-19 is threatening nursing homes across the country. Residents, especially those with compromised health, are especially vulnerable. Staff without proper safety equipment are vulnerable. Families, unable to touch and communicate with their loved ones, are suffering. Social workers and social services staff members are on the front lines of providing emotional care to residents and families.
In response, the National Nursing Home Social Work Network (a national group of social work researchers and advocates dedicated to nursing home social work) has gathered a list of resources for nursing home social workers, now available and being updated in an ongoing fashion on the group's website.
Additionally, the National Nursing Home Social Work Network offers a weekly, online support group meeting on Mondays at 3 pm CST (log on at, and a listserv for nursing home social workers and other social services staff. Social service staff members who would like to join the national nursing home social worker listserv may subscribe by sending an email to