Research in these areas includes topics related to access to health services, pregnancy prevention, suicide intervention, social programs and their impact on health, substance abuse treatment models and outcomes, issues of ethics and consent, the social dimensions of disability, social service delivery and empowerment, and policy and practice implications for working with persons with mental illness and disability.

Faculty Specializing in this Area

Miriam Landsman, PhD: Middle aged white woman with brown hair in a pink shirt
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Miriam Landsman, PhD

Director, School of Social Work
Associate Professor
Executive Director, National Resource Center for Family Centered Practice
Co-Director, Iowa Consortium for Substance Abuse Research and Evaluation
Megan Gilster

Megan E. Gilster, MSW, PhD

Associate Professor
Associate Director
May Guo

May Guo, PhD, FGSA

Associate Professor
Nadia Sabbagh

Nadia Sabbagh Steinberg, LMSW, PhD

Clinical Assistant Professor
Coordinator for Aging and Longevity Studies Program
Christopher Veeh

Christopher A. Veeh, PhD

Assistant Professor