Christopher A. Veeh, Ph.D.
Christopher Veeh CV
Specific Research Interests
Brain Injury, Incarceration & Reentry, Children and Youth
Veeh, C. A. & Heeren, T. (2022). A research-practice partnership to support statewide implementation of evidence-based jail diversion programs for people with serious mental illness. Funded by Nellie Ball Trust. Award amount ($35,000.00).
Pettus, C., Veeh, C.A., Renn, T., Kennedy, S. (2021). The well-being development model: A new conceptual framework to guide transitional services for individuals releasing from incarceration. Social Service Review, 95(3), 413-468.
Pettus-Davis, C., Kennedy, S.C. and Veeh, C.A. (2021), Incarcerated individuals’ experiences of COVID-19 in the United States. International Journal of Prisoner Health.
Virtual poster presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research. Moore, J., Renn, T., & Veeh, C. A. (2021, January). Comparing substance use behaviors of individuals on probation and parole by population density in the U.S. [Poster]. Society for Social Work & Research, Virtual.
Following article was published online: Renn, T., Veeh, C. A., Grady, M. D., Edwards, D., Pettus-Davis, C., & Kelton, K. (2020). The role of preparatory programming in increasing the effectiveness of a sex offender treatment intervention. Victims & Offenders.
Awarded $35000 grant from Nellie Ball Trust to evaluate the Polk County Jail Diversion Program. Grant was co-written with UI Law, Health Policy & Disability Center.
- Health, Mental Health, and Disability