Amy Lemke, M.S.W., L.I.S.W., L.C.S.W.

Adjunct Instructor

Amy is interested in conducting research in the area of end of life communication and advance care planning. She is currently working on a project evaluating the impact of a personalized goals of care communication tool on feelings of anxiety and depression experienced by individuals living with End Stage Renal Disease. She is also assisting Dr. Mercedes Bern-Klug with the Service Learning in Aging Studies course offered within the School of Social Work.

Amy's clinical experience base includes over 15 years working as a clinical social worker in an outpatient hemodialysis clinic. Presently, she works within an acute inpatient palliative care program. Amy is a certified facilitator and instructor in the Respecting Choices First Steps & Last Steps Advance Care Planning process.

Research Interests

Psychosocial issues for individuals living with serious, chronic illnesses as well as their families and significant others; social work and palliative care; end of life communication and decision making

Amy Lemke
M.S.W., University of Illinois-Champaign Urbana
Contact Information

308 North Hall (NH)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States