Carrie Means, M.S.W., L.I.S.W.
Carrie is interested in conducting research in caregiving. Complex caregiving situations are on the rise, removing caregivers from paid employment and diminishing social connections. Carrie plans to focus on caregivers of children, adolescents, and younger adults who have complex medical issues. Carrie is an advocate for experiential learning opportunities.
Carrie’s clinical experience includes 19 years as a clinical social worker in health care, with 16 years covering adult and pediatric dialysis clinics. Carrie is currently a TA for Field Education. She is a certified facilitator in Respecting Choices First Steps & Last Steps Advance Care Planning. She serves on the editorial board for the Journal of Nephrology Social Workers. Carrie is certified as a Nephrology Social Worker and serves on the committee to review new applications and renewal requests.
Research Interests:
Psychosocial issues for caregivers of persons living with serious, chronic illnesses
M.S.W. University of Iowa
B.S. Psychology University of Iowa