Julia Kleinschmit, M.S.W.
Greetings from the West Coast of Iowa! Since 1999, I have primarily taught in and coordinated the three-year, Part-Time MSW program in Sioux City.
Our program includes students from Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota. I teach Research, Policy, Discrimination Oppression and Diversity, Organization and Community Practice, and Integrated Theory and Practice. I also direct Practicum. My interests include Disproportionate Minority Contact, especially in regards to reducing the number of Native children in the child welfare system and the number of children of color in juvenile detention.
I am the co-project director for a statewide project to understand how schools, the police, juvenile justice, and community agencies can reduce DMC for kids. Other interests are practice in rural communities (including sustainable agriculture), distance education and social work practice using various technologies, program development, grant writing, and meeting facilitation.
Sioux City contact information:
Sioux City Part-Time MSW Program
University of Iowa School of Social Work
153 Heelan Hall, 3303 Rebecca St.
Sioux City, IA 51104
Phone: 402-841-4919
Fax: 815-333-3117
Research Interests
Rural issues, including women and sustainable agriculture; program development and grant writing; community organizing; organizational culture; overrepresentation of Native Americans children in child welfare systems; Indian Child Welfare Act
Teaching Areas
Integrated Social Work Practice; Social Welfare Policy and Practice; Organization and Community Practice; Foundation and Advanced Practicum Seminars
- Organizations and Communities