Articles from April 2020

Kleinschmit Receives Prestigious University of Iowa Faculty Award

Julia Kleinschmit been selected by the University of Iowa’s Council of Teaching to receive the 2020 President and Provost Award for Teaching Excellence—a coveted honor that represents the highest level of achievement in teaching given at the University of Iowa.

COVID-19 Resource List from the National Nursing Home Social Work Network

Wednesday, April 8, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic is a nightmare for nursing homes, their staffs, residents, and their families. The situation is likely similar for Assisted Living Facilities (ALFs) and other residential care for older adults. In response, the National Nursing Home Social Work Network (a national group of social work researchers and advocates dedicated to nursing home social work) has gathered a list of resources for nursing home social workers, now available and being updated in an ongoing fashion on the group's website.