
Aynsley Scheffert

Aynsley Scheffert, PhD, LICSW

Assistant Professor
Christine Sherrod

Christine Sherrod, M.S.W., L.M.S.W.

Ph.D. Student
Christine would like to further explore the intersection of design, moral leadership, and social work education in the hopes of preparing future professional social workers for the unique policy, political, and environmental issues that comprise the context of our collective lived experience.
Alecia Smith

Alecia Smith, M.S.W.

Adjunct Instructor
Kelli Soyer

Kelli Soyer

Adjunct Instructor
Yolanda Spears

Yolanda D. Spears, MSW, LMSW

Clinical Associate Professor
Coordinator, Certificate in Critical Cultural Competence
Morgan Stangl

Morgan Stangl, M.S.W., L.M.S.W.

Ph.D. Student
Morgan's primary research interests involve examining the role of multi-cultural competency in higher education student services and counseling services.
Sarah Stevens

Sarah Stevens

Visiting assistant professor
Eileen Swoboda

Eileen Swoboda, M.S.W., L.I.S.W.

Adjunct Instructor

Peggy Trosper, MSW

Clinical Assistant Professor
Practicum Administrator – Des Moines
Bob Vander Beek

Bob Vander Beek, A.B.D.

Clinical Assistant Professor Emeritus
Christopher Veeh

Christopher A. Veeh, PhD

Assistant Professor
Anne Ventullo

Anne Ventullo, M.S.W., L.I.S.W.

Adjunct Instructor
Yi (April) Wang

Yi (April) Wang, PhD

Assistant Professor
Dr. Yi Wang’s research focuses on the neighborhood-level determinants of health disparities in later life. Her work examines how contextual features influence older adults’ wellbeing (i.e., physical, mental, cognitive health) and explores the underlying mechanisms (e.g., the mediating roles of activity engagement and coping resources) for racial/ethnic minority and older immigrants.
sharaine webster photo

Sharaine Webster, LISW

Clinical Assistant Professor
Sharaine Webster LISW IADC has taught as an adjunct instructor for many years before getting her position as a Clinical Assistant Professor. She also owns her own mental health therapy practice and sees a wide array of individuals but she is mostly known for her expertises in mental health, addictions, and sexual health and wellness. She also does mental health and substance abuse assessments for the Iowa Department of Corrections.

Sharaine Webster, MSW, LISW

Clinical Assistant Professor
Marit Westrich

Marit Westrich

Adjunct Instructor
Photo of Chuck Wieland

Chuck Wieland

Chuck Wieland administers the operations of the School of Social Work, including preparing budgets and overseeing financial accounts. He also oversees research assistantship and teaching assistantship appointments, other departmental financial aid and award processes, and can provide information regarding funding for student research projects.
Ross Wilburn

Ross Wilburn

Visiting assistant professor
sarah witry, a white woman with brown hair, wearing a blue shirt and glasses

Sarah Witry, MSW, LMSW

Clinical Assistant Professor,
Practicum Education Director,
Iowa City and Online Field Administrator
Professor Witry has 12 years of experience in non-profit management, program development, and program assessment and evaluation focusing on food security, anti-poverty, and housing security services. She is now the Practicum Education Director and is passionate about inspiring and supporting social work students to act as change agents in the field and in their future work as professionals.
Erin Wolter

Erin Wolter

Adjunct Instructor